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Parting off and grooving tools with massive benefits
TungFeedBlade - An extremely rigid modular blade series for grooving and parting applications.
Parting Off test dry machining
EXTREME Clamping Stability with Korloy's Hexablade Grooving & Parting System!
Lathe Tool Shapes - What Are They All For?
Grooving tools
Grooving tool GND series
WNT DirectCooling DC-SX Grooving System with Internal Coolant Supply
Carbide inserts and tools I use in my small cnc lathe. VCGT, DCGT and CCGT and others
Shop Talk 19: Parting Tools
This KNOWLEDGE Will Ease Your Pain and Suffering When Attempting to Machine Perfect Parts
Versatile Grooving and Cut-Off Tool: WGC Cuts Steel in a Variety of Applications